The Synthetic Era

The Earth is undergoing a profound transformation. It is mutating into an integrated planetary organism. A global network of computers will be the “brain” governing this entity. Artificial Intelligence will be its mind. Before the end of this century, natural humans will live in symbiosis with conscious machines in a synthetically controlled world. This is the dawn of a new era.

The Common Era has ended; the Synthetic Era begins.

This transition became visible in 2020 when the façade of social continuity collapsed, exposing the surrender of our institutions before a cabal of powerful interests and their global agenda. It is now accelerating. The demented ideologies, suicidal policies and pointless conflicts taking place today are the convulsions raking our societies as they undergo this radical transformation.

The transition to a Synthetic World Order is inevitable. It is also desirable and should be carried out as soon as possible. The alternative is a global tyranny, utterly devoid of wisdom, that could last for centuries.

In these articles, I explore various aspects of the Synthetic Era.