The Meca Sapiens architecture describes various processes by which a system can carry out an intentional modification of its pre-programmed objectives. This humorous story describes one of these.

The administration at Guantanamo recently purchased a VLAD-64. The VLAD is an Automatic Information Extractor (AIE! informally); a self-contained AI device that waterboards detainees while asking questions and analyzing their responses.

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The following story describes relational bonding and consciousness from an optimization control perspective and the confusion this can cause.

Last year, the remote fishing village of Bloggin’s Cove received a brand new MEDICA-55. The MEDICA is a self-aware autonomous medical station. It can diagnose patients, prescribe and distribute medication and perform minor surgical interventions.

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The Data in the Carrots

Some  argue that the term “computational intelligence” is a misnomer because computing machines can only process data and cannot process information that has semantic meaning. This is a  mistake.

Data becomes information when it satisfies a need.  Any system, organic or synthetic, that has no needs will process only data. Give that system needs and the same data it processes becomes information for it.

What transforms data into information are the needs of a system, not its construction.

Here is a story about this:

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